Philanthropy for the Future
Leave a Lasting Legacy
Estate Gifts / Planned Giving
Giving from generation to generation is one of the most meaningful ways you can leave a lasting legacy.
People have made planned gifts through the Albuquerque Museum Foundation since the Albuquerque Museum and the Foundation were established in the late 60s. The Foundation honors those who have chosen to commit to the future of the Albuquerque Museum by including the Albuquerque Museum Foundation in their estate plans.
If you are creating a new will or trust, adding a codicil to a will, or amending an existing trust, you and/or your attorney can incorporate language to identify Albuquerque Museum Foundation as a beneficiary of a percentage or fixed amount of your estate.
It is important to specifically list the Albuquerque Museum Foundation in your will so that your gift may be properly managed and acknowledged, and your wishes honored.
Learn more about the impact you will make by declaring your intention to leave a gift. We welcome the opportunity to visit with you and learn about your areas of interest. Email Denise Crouse or call 505-677-8500.
Please secure the services of an estate planning attorney to provide you will full legal counsel. Provide the following information to your estate planner:
Legal Name: Albuquerque Museum Foundation
Located in: Albuquerque, NM
Tax I.D. Number: 85-0201054
Submitting an estate gift intention form to the Albuquerque Museum Foundation is not legally a binding agreement and serves only to notify the Foundation of a future gift. No member benefits are provided in exchange for declaring an estate gift intention.